9th Workshop on Measurement and Computation of Turbulent Spray Combustion (TCS9)
June 1, 2025, Corfu, Greece
The next TCS workshop will be held one day (Sunday) prior to the 13th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium.
Please visit this homepage for frequent updates.
The aim of this workshop series is to stimulate progress in the understanding of turbulent spray combustion by organizing focused discussions on open problems and promising new initiatives and collaborations in this area. A long term objective is to advance capabilities to model turbulent spray flows, both reacting and non-reacting. In order to do so it links recent developments in studies of dispersed multiphase flow and combustion. The intention is to have interactive discussion between experts and young researchers and between modelers and experimentalists.
The 9th workshop will focus on ammonia as a perspective carbon-free fuel. The relatively poor combustion characteristics with respect to slow flame propagation and long ignition delay times as well as the high latent heat of vaporization make ammonia an interesting scope for the workshop. Currently the absence of accurate measurements and predictive models for atomization forms a bottleneck for this fuel with respect to the simulation of turbulent spray flames. Even though ammonia is carbon-free and provides an excellent perspective for carbon-free combustion, NOx and N2O formation are critical and have to be considered. Thus, the perspective of the TCS9 workshop is very challenging.
Another important topic of interest is the atomization and evaporation of multi-component fuels, which are of extraordinary practical importance. The workshop aims to address specific phenomena related to these topics such as flash-assisted atomization, preferential evaporation, and instabilities as related to miscible and immiscible blends.
Invited lecture
Dr. Toshiro Fujimori
Senior Technical Advisor, Business Development Division, IHI Corporation, Japan
Special Appointed Professor, Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University, Japan
Title: Status and technology challenges for ammonia energy value chain and liquid ammonia gas turbine
Poster session
Posters will be displayed to show work in progress. Please send poster titles, authors and affiliations to Prof. B. Merci before May 15, 2025. Please bring the printed posters to the workshop. Thank you. Please also check the call for posters.
Organizing committee
Dr. Andrea Giusti (Imperial College, United Kingdom)Prof. Eva Gutheil (Heidelberg University, Germany)
Prof. Assaad R. Masri (The University of Sydney, Australia)
Prof. Epaminondas Mastorakos (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)
Prof. Bart Merci (Ghent University, Belgium)
Prof. Hernán Olguín (Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile)
Prof. Venkat Raman (University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, USA)
Prof. Dirk Roekaerts (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
The workshop is co-organized by the ERCOFTAC special interest group 28 "Reactive Flows".