8th Workshop on Measurement and Computation of Turbulent Spray Combustion (TCS8)

January 22, 2023, Luxor, Egypt

The next TCS workshop will be held one day (Sunday) prior to the 12th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium. Please visit this homepage for frequent updates.


The aim of this workshop series is to stimulate progress in the understanding of turbulent spray combustion by organizing focused discussions on open problems and promising new initiatives and collaborations in this area. A long term objective is to advance capabilities to model turbulent spray flows, both reacting and non-reacting. In order to do so it links recent developments in studies of dispersed multiphase flow and combustion. The intention is to have interactive discussion between experts and young researchers and between modelers and experimentalists.

Invited lecture

Speaker: Dr. Aymeric Vié, Laboratoire EM2C, CNRS & CentraleSupelec, Université Paris-Saclay, France
Title: Challenges in the numerical simulation of sprays in turbulent liquid-fueled swirled burners
Abtract: In aeronautical combustion chambers, several physical phenomena must be considered for predictive simulations, such as combustion, turbulence, or two-phase flows. Furthermore, the design of combustion chambers, with multiple swirler stages and injectors, leads to a great richness in the behavior of the combustion chamber, for example, on pollutant emissions or acoustic activity. In this presentation, I will first discuss how turbulent swirled spray combustors can generate a wide variety of flame archetypes, using as an example the results of the BIMER experimental test rig of the EM2C laboratory. Then, I will open the discussion to today‘s challenges in terms of modeling. I will focus on the spray and highlight the state-of-the-art for different modeling blocks and the challenges in accuracy and efficiency.


The program of the workshop can be found here.

Joint comparative studies of target test cases

Three sets of spray flame experiments have been selected for which extensive experimental databases are available. For each of these computational results are invited from the participants to the workshop. Contributors should follow the provided guidelines. At the workshop the obtained results will be discussed.

In the list below you find the three cases and the contact persons. A link is provided to a file with more information.

Poster session

Posters will be displayed to show work in progress. Please send poster titles, authors and affiliations to Prof. B. Merci before December 16, 2022.


The TCS workshop will take place at the Steigenberger Nile Palace Luxor Hotel and Convention Centre in Luxor, Egypt

Registration and accomodation

Registration for the TCS workshop is now open! Please register here!

Organizing committee

Prof. Eva Gutheil (Heidelberg University, Germany)
Prof. Assaad R. Masri (The University of Sydney, Australia)
Prof. Epaminondas Mastorakos (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)
Prof. Bart Merci (Ghent University, Belgium)
Prof. Venkat Raman (University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, USA)
Prof. Bruno Renou (Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Rouen, France)
Prof. Dirk Roekaerts (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Prof. Amsini Sadiki (Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany)

The workshop is co-organized by the ERCOFTAC special interest group 28 "Reactive Flows".